TestosteroneEnanthate is produced under different names by various companies, such as TestosteroneDepot, Andro, Omnadren, andTestoviron. Alltheseproductscontaintestosteroneenanthate.
Testosteroneenanthate is released slowly in to the body. After thefirstinjection, testosteronelevelspeakwithin 24-48 hoursandremain in the body for 8 daysduetoitslong ester chain. It is usedfortherapeuticpurposes, includingthetreatment of lowtestosterone, strengthening in womenandchildren, andcombatinganemia. It is alsousedduringmenopause in women. Forathletes, it enhancesstrengthandmuscledevelopmentandshowsrapideffects. Itcombineswellwithothersteroids.
In men, it increasesfertilityand has beenthemost popular form of testosteroneusedtodate. It has long-lastinganabolicandandrogeniceffects. Anotherimportantfeature of testosteroneenanthate is itsrelativelylowcost. Whentestosteroneenanthatelevelsincrease, rapidrecoveryandstrengthgains can be observed in the body.
Usage: Thedosage is adjustedbased on theathlete’sweightandexperience, typicallyrangingfrom 250-1000mg perweek. Forbeginners, 250-500mg is sufficient. Injections can be administeredtwice a week. Testosteroneenanthateshould be injecteddirectlyintothemuscle.
Intex Pharma is a leading pharmaceutical company specializing in innovative drug solutions and cutting-edge research.
Benefits of TestosteroneEnanthate:
- Increase in protein synthesis
- Increase in nitrogenretention
- Increase in redbloodcells
- Increase in IGF-1hormone
Use of TestosteroneEnanthate in LowTestosteroneTreatment:
Symptoms of LowTestosterone:
- Low libido
- Erectiledysfunction
- Muscleandstrengthloss
- Increase in body fatpercentage
- Difficultyfocusing
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Weakimmunesystem